Bwande Radio cartoon secures Entertainers of the Year Accolade.

On November 8, 2004, MIJ FM unveiled a captivating radio cartoon series named “Bwande,” featuring the charismatic and commanding voice of Deus Sandram.
In the realm of radio cartoons, the focus lies on creatively using sound to craft vivid images within the listener’s imagination.
Sandram: The recognition is huge.

Bwande’s series dives headfirst into the world’s quirkiest problems, blending comedic chaos, thrilling adventures, and heartfelt drama in a rollercoaster of a narrative.

“Bwande” skillfully weaves current affairs into an entertaining narrative, delivering messages to its audience with flair.
 Bwande’s series isn’t just about making you laugh.
The creator, Deus Sandram, successfully blends humor and substance in this unique radio cartoon series.
The peak of Sandram’s efforts came to fruition on December 30, 2023, when MIJ FM’s Deus Sandram, the visionary behind Bwande, clinched the prestigious award for Radio Program of the Entertainers of the Year organized by the state broadcaster Malawi Broadcasting Corporation.
In an interview, Sandram expressed heartfelt gratitude for this recognition, considering it a significant milestone since the inaugural episode of Bwande in 2004.
“ Bwande program has been on radio for quite some time, next year we will be clocking 20 years of writing the radio cartoon without a recognition and this means that the program has been having  an impact on the society” said Sandram.
He added that “this is actually going to motivate me to write more and be as more creative as possible”.

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